Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What's your Timeline look like?

In March 2012, businesses had to convert to Timeline for Pages as the standard for businesses, organizations, and brands. We think there are some pretty cool things in the Timeline format and below we’ll tell you how to take advantage of them!

What Timeline for Pages looks like

Timeline for Pages is similar to the Timeline currently present for personal profiles.

Picking the right cover photo

The cover photo is the first impression you'll make on your customers and prospects who visit your Page, you’ll want to make it something that looks great and also represents who you are as an organization in both substance and style.
Your photo sets the whole tone for the conversation that you want to happen on your Page. All you have to do is roll your mouse over the cover photo, select “change cover,” and choose a new photo.

You may also want to revisit what you say in the "About" section of your Page; it's more prominent now and lives just below your cover photo.

Adding milestones to your Timeline

You can add key dates from your history to the Timeline so that when visitors scroll down, they can read your whole story, not just your posts.
For example, add when you were founded or hit some key achievement like opening a second location or publishing a book. To add a milestone all you have to do is click on “milestone” where you would normally post a status update and follow the instructions. 

Pinning posts

If you have a post promoting your latest campaign or some other piece of content that you want to make sure everyone sees, you’ll want to take advantage of the new pinning option. Pinning a post means that it will stay above all of the newer posts on your Timeline.

Here's how to do it:
Log into your Facebook account and go to your Page. Next you’ll want to hover your mouse over the right corner of the post that you want to use and a set of buttons will appear, click the pencil and select “Pin to Top.” That’s it, you’ve now pinned a post!
Note: Pins only stay for seven days at which point you can repin the same post or create a new one. You can always remove the pin earlier if you like - just click the Edit button and select "Unpin from Top".

Highlighting posts

Highlighting a post is just as easy and allows you to have certain posts stand out from the rest of your timeline because they stretch across your entire page.
To highlight a post simply hover your mouse over its right corner then click on the star. Your post is now highlighted!

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