Wednesday, July 24, 2013

From the oven to the greenway!

So my mom tells me her co-workers birthday is tomorrow, and she wanted to order cakepops, but not wanting to stress my personal Cakepop maker out we decided lets try to make cupcakes instead! 

Well but then there's a twist! 

Can we make it golf themed cupcakes? Waaahhhh! I can bake but I can't even color in the lines of a coloring book! I seemed to have lost my mothers artistic genes. 

Ohhh well lets just give it a try and see what we come out with! 

Step 1:
Bake a 24 cupcakes - I utilized yellow cake, it seemed easier to decorate with lighter colors. 

Step 2:
Let cupcakes cool, in preparation of decorating. (ahhhh) 😬😬😬 at this time I set them on the tray in the order I felt was best to make the greenway.

Step 3:
I began with decorating my green seemed the easiest route.

Step 4:
Then I decorated the rest of the greenway with a thicker icing.

Step 5: 
The sand trap! I used both icing and sprinkles. And while I was at it I threw a few golf balls in!

Step 6:
Last little addition to make that true greenway feeling. The flag! A cut skewer and a little electrical tape...and taaaadaaaa! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Isn't exactly how they got it in the image I originally saw, but I think you get the idea😊

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