Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Short trip home!

Worked a full day, half of which was out in Princeville! Only to finish work this afternoon, with the realization that I'll be on another plane tomorrow evening, headed off to Portland, Oregon! I've travel quite a bit this 2013, but my gosh it's literally been back to back flying! I feel like I should be a flight attendant. 
Thank goodness I love what I do, I will be presenting Kyäni in Vancouver, Washington, this Saturday! So stoked to help my bestie, Kainoa Pau, build her Kyäni business! Kyani has helped improve the lives of so many people I care about and I'm excited to watch more people grow in Kyäni the way I have. Traffic to my website slowly increases: SharonGibson.Kyani.com while daily the traffic to my Facebook fan page increases steadily: Facebook.com/KyaniKauai Looking forward to closing out this summer with bonus' and shining like the Kyani Sapphire that I know I am! 

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